
Ebook Kindle Movimento Antirruídos e contra Poluição Ambiental Sonora

Autor: Ericson Scorsim

Ano: 2023

Vendido por: Amazon Servicos de Varejo do Brasil Ltda


Ebook Kindle Condomínios inteligentes, saudáveis e sustentáveis

Autor: Ericson Scorsim

Ano: 2023

Vendido por: Amazon Servicos de Varejo do Brasil Ltda


Ebook Kindle Movimento antirruídos para cidades inteligentes, saudáveis e sustentáveis

Autor: Ericson Scorsim

Ano: 2022

Vendido por: Amazon Servicos de Varejo do Brasil Ltda


Ebook Kindle Geopolitical game between United States and China on 5G technology: impact in Brazil

Author: Ericson Scorsim

Year: 2021

Sold by: Amazon Servicos de Varejo do Brasil Ltda

The book “Geopolitical Game between the United States and China on 5G technology: impact on Brazil”, by Ericson Scorsim, provides a comprehensive overview about the many geopolitics’ themes on 5G technology. This new technology is object of controversy between Unit States and China on global leadership, having an impact in Brazil in many aspects.


Ebook Kindle Jogo Geopolítico das Comunicações 5G: Estados Unidos, China e o Impacto no Brasil

Author: Ericson Scorsim

Year: 2020


Sold by: Amazon Servicos de Varejo do Brasil Ltda


Ebook Kindle Temas de Direito da Comunicação na Jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal

Author: Ericson M. Scorsim

Year: 2017


Sold by: Amazon Servicos de Varejo do Brasil Ltda

The Brazil Constitution celebrates the 30 (Thirtieth) anniversary in 2018.
The book Communication Law in the Case Law of the Brazilian Supreme Court, by the author Ericson M. Scorsim (PhD in Law, by Universidade de São Paulo), lawyer and consultant in Public Law, aims at honoring this historic and symbolic event in Brazil.
The book provides a comprehensive overview of Brazilian decisions on cases about the Regulatory Framework of the Internet, Telecommunications (Telecommunications Act), Broadcasting, Pay-TV (Pay-TV Act) and the Press, in the last three decades, from 1988 (when the Constitution of Brazil was approved) until 2018.
During this period of time, the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court established the basis of Communication Law.


Ebook Kindle Themes of communication law in the jurisprudence of the Brazilian Supreme Court

Author: Ericson M. Scorsim

Year: 2017

Sold by: Amazon Serviços de Varejo do Brasil Ltda

The Brazil Constitution celebrates the 30 (Thirtieth) anniversary in 2018.
The book Communication Law in the Case Law of the Brazilian Supreme Court, by the author Ericson M. Scorsim (PhD in Law, by Universidade de São Paulo), lawyer and consultant in Public Law, aims at honoring this historic and symbolic event in Brazil.
The book provides a comprehensive overview of Brazilian decisions on cases about the Regulatory Framework of the Internet, Telecommunications (Telecommunications Act), Broadcasting, Pay-TV (Pay-TV Act) and the Press, in the last three decades, from 1988 (when the Constitution of Brazil was approved) until 2018.
During this period of time, the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court established the basis of Communication Law.


Ebook Kindle Direito da Comunicação

Author: Ericson M. Scorsim

Edition 2, year 2016

Vendido por: Amazon Servicos de Varejo do Brasil Ltda

O Direito da Comunicação tem como foco a legislação aplicável aos serviços de internet, telecomunicações, televisão por radiodifusão, TV por assinatura e publicidade.
No livro, o autor Ericson M. Scorsim analisa questões regulatórias, legais, contratuais e da jurisprudência brasileira.


Ebook Kindle Temas de Derecho de las Comunicaciones en la jurisprudencia del Supremo Tribunal Federal

Author: Ericson M. Scorsim

Year: 2018


Sold by: Amazon Servicos de Varejo do Brasil Ltda

El libro destaca la jurisprudencia del Supremo Tribunal Federal de Brasil sobre los sectores de internet, telecomunicaciones, radiodifusión y Tv por suscripción, en el período que va de 1998 a 2008.
La obra está destinada a América Latina, México, España y la comunidad hispana residente en los Estados Unidos. Es de interés de los abogados, profesores de derecho, estudiantes, periodistas, autoridades reguladoras, inversores y emprendedores, ejecutivos de los sectores de internet, telecomunicaciones, radiodifusión y la tv por suscripción.
Este libro, segundo volumen de una colección de tras libros sobre Derecho de la Comunicación, está dedicado a los Temas de Derecho de la Comunicación em la jurisprudencia del Supremo Tribunal Federal.


Ebook Kindle Communication Law in Brazil

Author: Ericson M. Scorsim

Year: 2017


Sold by: Amazon Servicos de Varejo do Brasil Ltda

Communications Law is the field dedicated to the laws and regulations that apply to telecommunications, Internet, and television services . This field of law examines the legislation applicable to different telecommunication services (landlines and personal mobile lines), Internet access and Internet applications, broadcast radio and TV, and Pay TV.
The inspiration to write about Communications Law came from realizing the value of knowledge of this new area of law, which can make a major contribution to the practice of legal professionals and those from other areas.
The chapters of the book Communications Law present a new vision for organizing and aligning fundamental themes in laws related to social communication, the internet, telecommunications, and broadcast and pay television.